Client came to us with the request to draw a festive New Year’s Eve story. We were supposed to not only draw illustrations, but to make up a whole story with the plot and its characters.

We had several ideas: from fairy tales about trolls to more common situations of family celebration. We decided on the last one, creating a story about a boy, who’s celebrating New Year’s with his family and a cat. 

At the same time we were writing the script and searching for the style. Initially the client came to us with a classic request – vector illustration. But while we were researching illustrators, we added a «Bang! Bang! Experimental» section, where we put Nina Terteryan’s portfolio. The client immediately liked her and approved for the project. 

Nina has a truly fairytale-like style and corresponding vision, so no references were needed: «Working on any project, I especially like to make up and imagine a story. no matter what it is based on. For me, looking at references is not a working strategy, rather a distraction.

When I already have a complete idea in mind, there are no difficulties with working on an illustration. This world is already in my mind, I just need to transfer this scenery into a new image.

As I previously said, references for inspiration distract me. I think my knowledge of different illustrators’, artists’, films’, animations’ and books’ styles created a mix of aesthetic facture that represents me. All of my illustrations originate from this».

Because of creative freedom there were no inconveniences throughout the working process, both sides listened to each other. Practically no corrections neither in the script, nor in illustrations were needed.

«Project originated from scratch and developed into complete outstanding work. Those projects are especially important to us, they show our level of expertise. I always feel very comfortable working with Nina, she is a very good illustrator who can create stunning illustrations», – concludes project manager Helen Kudasheva.